UPLIFT Organizational Resource Grant

UPLIFT Professional Development Grant

The UPLIFT Organization Resource Grant is available to formal library organizations for specialized training. It allows development, implementation, and evaluation of training efforts that upgrade the skills of library staff, trustees, and their supporters by addressing local needs. Applicable applicants are the Utah Library Association (ULA) and the Utah School Library Association (USLA). The Utah State Library funds these grants. Recipients are required to acknowledge the Utah State Library when undertaking and promoting grant-supported activities.

Applicant Eligibility

  • A formal library organization must be eligible for state/federal funding.
  • A formal library organization applying for a grant must submit evidence of fiscal capacity to administer grant funds.
  • A formal library organization includes ULA and USLA.

Project Eligibility

  • The emphasis for the training should be on meeting the needs of the end user: library customers.
  • Library board members, Friends, volunteers, advocates, and other supporters may be included in the training as appropriate.


Application deadline is January 15th each year.

Funds Available

Library organizations may receive grants up to $3,000. Allowable costs include:

  • Trainer fees.
  • Room rental in non-library or agency facility if required.
  • Duplication/purchase of training materials.

The Utah State Library will reimburse grantees upon receiving financial receipts and project evaluations. The grant does not cover indirect costs of the training, nor meals.


Grant recipients agree to evaluate programs using the Online Evaluation Form and any summarized survey results collected from participants.  A sample survey is available for your use and consideration. Please submit the reimbursement requests and final evaluation to the Utah State Library within 30 days after the event.


  • Applications must be submitted online. See contact information below.
  • Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on January 15th every year.
  • Utah State Library staff reviews the application and gives recommendations to the Director. USL notifies applicants of the decision by January 31st, and sends out a contract for signatures.
  • The grant recipient returns the signed contract to the Utah State Library.
  • The grant recipient submits financial receipts and evaluation forms to the Utah State Library within 30 days of the completion of the event.


Rachel Lenahan
801-715-6776 or 800-662-9150 (Utah Toll-Free)
[email protected]