LSTA Grants
Library Services & Technology Act Grants
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) supports libraries in Utah through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the Utah State Library. LSTA grants are intended to help libraries develop their central roles as community builders. LSTA funds are used to promote improvements in services to all types of libraries; to facilitate access to, and sharing of, resources; and to achieve economical and effective delivery of service for the purpose of cultivating an educated and informed citizenry. In addition, LSTA funds are targeted for statewide library services and support a wide array of programs from literacy to providing broad access to databases. This program develops the role of libraries as "information brokers," helping to make resources and services, which are often prohibitively expensive, more readily available. LSTA also supports efforts to educate the current and future library workforce in Utah. LSTA priorities as defined in 20 USC Chapter 72, § 9141 are:
- expand services for learning and access to information and educational resources in a variety of formats, in all types of libraries, for individuals of all ages in order to support such individuals' needs for education, lifelong learning, workforce development, and digital literacy skills;
- establish or enhance electronic and other linkages and improved coordination among and between libraries and entities for the purpose of improving the quality of and access to library and information services;
- provide training and professional development, including continuing education, to enhance the skills of the current library workforce and leadership, and advance the delivery of library and information services;
- enhance efforts to recruit future professionals to the field of library and information services;
- develop public and private partnerships with other agencies and community-based organizations;
- target library services to individuals of diverse geographic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and to individuals with limited functional literacy or information skills;
- target library and information services to persons having difficulty using a library and to underserved urban and rural communities, including children (from birth through age 17) from families with incomes below the poverty line (as defined by the Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with section 9902(2) of title 42) applicable to a family of the size involved;
- develop library services that provide all users access to information through local, state, regional, national, and international collaborations and networks; and
- carry out other activities consistent with the purposes set forth in section 9121, as described in the State Library’s plan.
The State Library staff with input from focus groups and library staff and with the assistance of outside consultants developed the LSTA Five Year Plan 2018-2022. Grant proposals should address the goals and needs outlined in the plan.
Please acknowledge that Funds for this project were provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act and were administered by the Utah State Library Division.
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Merrily Cannon
801-715-6769 or 800-662-9150 (Utah Toll-Free)
[email protected]