Utah Public Library Institute For Training

Goal: To meet the need of Utah’s library staff and public library trustees for ongoing training so they may provide dynamic professional library service.

Through the Utah Public Library Institute for Training (UPLIFT), the Utah State Library offers a variety of training opportunities for Utah library staff and trustees. UPLIFT includes training for non-MLS library staff, the full library community, and for library trustees, through special institutes, mini-workshops, teleconferences, and grants to individuals and library organizations.

About UPLIFT Training

The Utah State Library offers the popular continuing education core courses required to meet the personnel standard required for public library certification under Standards for Utah Public Libraries.

Library directors and key personnel who do not have formal training in library science may participate in basic certification training which includes introductory coursework in core areas.

Technology includes things the librarian needs to know to keep computer services up and running. It includes computer security, wireless access issues and solutions, technical support that the librarian can do, and when to call an IT person for help.

Reference brings the skills needed to be an effective provider of reference and information services. Emphasis is on reference services, the reference interview, online searching strategies including Pioneer, and sources of information.

Library Administration covers the fundamentals of public library administration, the need to integrate planning, budgeting, the basics of personnel management and policy development.

Cataloging/Acquisitions/Technical Services explains how to create accurate bibliographic records and standard resources used in catalog work: Dewey Decimal Schedules, RDA Rules, and MARC Records; also basic acquisitions and technical services functions.

Youth Services explores the elements of running a successful program for children and teens including presenting library programs for children and young adults, developing children’s and young adult materials collections, and using the stages of childhood and adolescent development to guide your programs. 

Collection Development teaches the principles of selection of library materials and standard practices involved in building and promoting collections.


Rachel Lenahan
 801-715-6776 or 800-662-9150 (Utah Toll-Free)
 [email protected]