About the Utah State Library Division
The Utah State Library (USL), created in 1957, provides funding, training, professional expertise, and technical advice to library directors, library staff, and trustees across Utah. Through the Program for the Blind and Disabled, Utah Bookmobiles, Interlibrary Loan program, Book Buzz for Book Groups, Utah's Online Public Library, and the Utah Government Digital Library, USL ensures access to library materials and state publications for all Utahns.
Mission, Vision, & Values
Mission: The Utah State Library develops, leads, and delivers exceptional library services, while optimizing Utah’s investment in libraries.
Vision: The Utah State Library is the primary leadership resource for librarians, while providing equal access to information and enduring services for citizens.
Collaboration & Civic Engagement
We seek to strengthen existing partnerships and identify new opportunities to collaborate on projects and services to strengthen the communities we serve.
Education & Lifelong Learning
We build capacity through continuing education opportunities, sharing best practices and success stories, and offering technical assistance. We recognize libraries as the place where lifelong learning is nurtured and grown.
Stewardship & Institutional Capacity
We build stakeholder capacity through training opportunities and collaborative projects with other entities. We put the interest of the public and libraries first, mindful of how we use their tax dollars.
We keep up with technological changes and industry trends. We are leaders in sharing best practices across the state and nation.