UPLIFT Professional Development Grant

UPLIFT Professional Development Grant

The UPLIFT Professional Development Grant is available to persons employed in Utah libraries for advancing their knowledge, skills, and abilities. The intent of this funding is ultimately for library staff to better serve their patrons. These grants are funded by the Utah State Library (USL). Recipients are required to acknowledge USL when undertaking and promoting grant-supported activities.

Applicant Eligibility

  • Applicant must be a resident of Utah for at least one year.
  • Applicant must be employed by, or be a board member of, a publicly funded school or public library, or be a Utah-based member of the Utah Academic Library Consortium. Applications from those who are full members of other Utah-based professional library associations such as ULA (Utah Library Association), USLA (Utah School Library Association), etc. are also eligible to apply.
  • Only one grant per individual shall be funded every two calendar years as determined by the contract start date on the grant received.
  • An MLIS applicant must first have completed at least six credit hours in a library science program to be eligible for a tuition support grant.
  • Individuals working in personal or private libraries and full-time students working on general undergraduate degrees are not eligible for these grants.


Application deadlines are January 15th and July 15th each year.

Project Eligibility

Applications will be judged based on the impact to Utah libraries. Priority consideration will be determined based on the significance of the overall impact the grant project may have on the wider Utah library community and to the patron community being served.

Eligible Projects Include (in no priority order) :

  1. Registration and reasonable travel to workshops, in-depth training opportunities in library service, or library-related conferences having direct impact upon work or board responsibilities.
  2. Tuition for graduate library science courses.
  3. Tuition for appropriate undergraduate courses in library science.
  4. Tuition for appropriate non-credit courses in library science.

Funds Available

Based upon available funding, grantees may apply for up to $1,000.  Number of applications awarded will vary per grant round.  USL will reimburse grant recipients upon receiving applicable paperwork.   For conference attendance, this includes all invoices of travel/registration/lodging that grantees expect to have paid by the grant.

For tuition reimbursement, this includes a copy of an unofficial transcript showing course completion with an acceptable grade (see below) and an invoice for payment in the appropriate term.  


Grant recipients agree to evaluate training opportunities and credit courses using the Online Evaluation Form provided by the Utah State Library, available in the grants portal.


  • Applications must be submitted online only. See contact information below for questions.
  • Applications are due by 5:00 pm on the appropriate deadline. This schedule may vary in future years depending upon demand and funding.
  • Utah State Library staff reviews the application and gives recommendations to the State Librarian. USL notifies applicants of the decision within thirty days of the grant close date and sends out a contract for electronic signature.
  • The grant recipient returns the signed contract to the State Library.
  • The grant recipient submits financial receipts (and for tuition reimbursement, an unofficial transcript showing successful completion of the course with a grade of C or better), and an evaluation form within 30 days of the completion of the event.


Rachel Lenahan
801-715-6776 or 800-662-9150 (Utah Toll-Free)
[email protected]