Keeping people motivated and interested in their work is not an easy task. Research has shown that the presence of external motivators decreases internal motivation when the extrinsic motivator is removed. Therefore, finding ways to tap into staff members’ intrinsic motivation is key. Understanding the theories underpinning motivation is necessary to effectively support staffs’ intrinsic motivation. In this session, the presenter will give examples of the application of motivational theories in staff training, meetings, onboarding, and in the day-to-day interactions managers have with their employees. Attendees will walk away with news ideas for how to motivate their staff and with the start of a motivational plan.
- Attendees will discover how to use motivational theories during interactions with staff.
- Attendees will match managerial duties to effective motivational strategies.
- Attendees will formulate a new staff motivational plan.
Presenter: Lauren Hays
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