Quality Library Awards

Did you know the Utah State Library Division has its own awards event? Every year, we host a three-day event for library directors to network, learn, and collaborate. One of the highlights of the Directors Summit is presenting the Quality Library awards. There’s no red carpet or paparazzi, but receiving the Quality Library Award speaks volumes for the recipients. The Quality …

Beyond Books: Discovering Utah’s New Libraries 

Over the past few years, new libraries and library extensions have popped up all over Utah. These modern and vibrant spaces are not only a sanctuary for book enthusiasts but also a hub for community engagement and learning. A new Children’s Activity Room in American Fork Storytime, family movie night, and classes got much more fun at American Fork City …

Meet the Mascots: Exploring the Benefits of Library Mascots

According to the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum, the word mascot comes from the French word ‘mascotte’ which refers to a lucky charm. In the 19th century the word was most closely associated with a good luck animal. Sports teams adopted animals to represent them and would often bring live predatory animals to their games to strike fear …

A Brief History of the Utah State Library

by Faye D. Fischer “One who believes that he has mastered the art of horsemanship has not yet begun to understand the horse.” Author Unknown Horses. A strange but accurate place to start a history of the Utah State Library. The library’s beginnings can be traced back to a renovated livery/coach house behind the Kearns Mansion. Early histories of the …

Love for Libraries during National Library Week

April 23-29 is National Library Week – a time set apart to celebrate and promote everything libraries mean to our communities. Here are some of the reasons our staff at the Utah State Library think that libraries are worth celebrating. “I grew up in Murray, and when I was a kid, I used to ride my bike to the old library on …

An Ode to Poetry

“Poetry and beauty are always making peace. When you read something beautiful and find coexistence; it breaks walls down.” Mahmoud Darwish April is National Poetry month. We think this is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the poetry collection at the Utah State Library! Our collection includes many distinct and classic poets from Emily Dickenson and Sylvia Plath, to Robert Frost …

Women in Libraries

by Faye D. Fischer In celebration of Women’s History Month we wanted to take a look at some of the women who shaped the library profession. It may seem that librarianship has always been a female dominated profession, but access to the profession had to be earned. According to a census taken by the Oxford University Press “Today, 83 percent …

Audio Books Sound Good

by Faye D. Fischer You may have heard that the Utah State Library for the Blind offers a variety of specialized services to blind and print disabled patrons in several states. We provide braille material and talking book library services to patrons from the east to west coast at no charge. But do you know that we also record our …

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

by Faye D. Fischer January; the month named after the Roman god of beginnings and transitions. This moniker makes it sound like it should be magical opportunity to rejuvenate and set goals. Yet, in our corner of the world it is also the darkest, coldest, and bleakest month of the year—which feels more like a call for sweat pants, and …