Community Library Enhancement Fund

The Utah State Library Division (USL) has the legal authority to set standards for public libraries (UCA 9-7-205). The Standards for Utah Public Libraries present minimum levels of effort required by public libraries in order to receive certain services and grants from the State Library.

Eligible Libraries

The Standards further require that libraries meet additional governance, funding, access, personnel, resources, technology, facilities, marketing, administration, and advocacy requirements. All Utah public libraries that fulfill the requirements for State Library Certification are eligible for an annual Community Library Enhancement Fund (CLEF) Payment (formerly Public Library Development Grant).

Grants Awards Schedule

Community Library Enhancement Funds are calculated for all qualified and certified public libraries annually, and the funds are generally distributed in the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year. CLEF payments are based on a formula which takes into account the population the library serves, the wealth of the community, and the financial effort the local government is making to support library services.

2018 Formula Explanation

Allowed Uses

Community Library Enhancement Funds may be used for the following three areas:

  • Collection Development (such as children’s materials, video materials, online resources, materials in another language, special new collections, enhanced current collections)
  • Technology That Directly Affects The Public (such as public access computing, library catalogs, online resources, technology training, wifi)
  • Programming (such as community outreach programs, classes, story time, any program hosted by the library held on- or off-site)

See examples of Eligible Expenditures for the Community Library Enhancement Fund

In addition, the State Library requires more specific reporting on the outcome of the above expenditures. The reason for these changes is the need to provide more measurable results that will affirm CLEF’s value to the legislature and taxpayers. It is important to use these dollars to support services that benefit as many people as possible.

Local Government Support (Maintenance of Effort)

Local governments must provide funding for public libraries. To be eligible for the current fiscal year CLEF payment, the jurisdiction must comply with maintenance of effort funding support for the library. The jurisdiction must expend an amount not less than 90% of the average operating expenditures coming from local funds in the three previous fiscal years, exclusive of capital outlay.


Recipients are required to complete an online report of expenditures under this grant. The online report is due by September 15, 2018.

Summary Analysis of Expenditures & Outcomes


Melanie Boyd
 801-715-6740 or 800-662-9150 (Utah Toll-Free)
[email protected]